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How-To Guides
How-To Guides
Explore our step-by-step tutorials with embedded videos guiding you through every feature
Managing projects, files and comments
Project Setup and Organization
Reviewer Management
File and Version Management
File Viewer and Content Types
Manage Feedback
Commenting on files
Commenting on files
Review multiple files at once
Switch time specifications and loop your videos
Team and Permission Management
Manage your team members
Customize your team's branding
Create custom roles for your team members
How to switch between different teams
Understand roles for team members
Set up 2-Step Verification in Filestage
Exporting and File Reporting
Monitor your review progress with Insights
Export file reports to keep a record of your approval process
Export review report to print it or save it locally
Personal settings
Upload an avatar
Change your email address
Reset your password
Supported languages on Filestage
See the latest activities in the notification center
Managing your email notifications
Zapier templates
Managing the subscription
Change your subscription plan
Buy a subscription / Conclude a license agreement
Increase your storage limit
Increase your project limit
Managing your seats
Update your credit card details
Update your invoice information
Cancel your subscription