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Integrate Filestage with Notion

Learn how to review your Notion documents in Filestage or embed Filestage directly in Notion

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If you're using both Notion and Filestage, you might want to streamline your workflow by integrating the two tools. To achieve this, you have two options: embedding parts of Filestage in Notion or uploading a Notion document in Filestage.

Upload your Notion document to Filestage

  1. Open your Notion document and click on Share in the top right corner.

  2. Click on the slider Share to web and then click on Copy web link.

  3. Go to Filestage and click on Upload file. Select Website upload and then paste the link.

⚠️ Please note: Live website reviews allows you to get feedback live on files in your Notion document. So if you make edits to the live version while a review is in progress, these will appear in Filestage straight away.

ℹ️ For more information about reviewing live websites, please check this article: Review live websites

💡 What's next? After seeing how you can integrate Filestage with Notion, see how to integrate Filestage into other tools.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to start a chat or email us at We’re always happy to help.

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