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Integrate Filestage with Jira

Learn how to connect your Filestage project with Jira and track review progress in Jira with real-time updates on versions, due dates, and statuses.

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If you need further help integrating Filestage with Jira, get in touch with our integration consultants using our support chat or via support@filestage.io.

Are you working with the project management tool Jira and would like to connect your Filestage project to your Jira task? With our Jira integration, this is now possible, making your project management even more efficient. It allows you to monitor the review progress of your files in real-time and have everything one single place.

Which information can be synched to Jira?

The following information can be made available in Jira tasks using the Filestage app for Jira:

  • File name

  • Project name

  • Reviewer group

  • Version number

  • Review status

  • Submitted review decisions of the reviewers and

  • Deadline for this reviewer group

How to connect Jira to Filestage?

To track the review progress of your Filestage project right within your Jira task, it is required to install the Filestage app in Jira to your workspace.
To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your Jira account.

  2. Open the marketplace and type Filestage into the search bar.

  3. Click on the app window and follow the steps, clicking on Get it now.

  4. The app is now correctly connected to your Jira workspace!

How to connect your Filestage project to a Jira task

With the Filestage integration for Jira, it is possible to view review statuses, review decisions, and many more. Here Filestage offers two options:

  • Connecting single files to a Jira task

  • Connecting an entire project (/reviewer group) with all the files it contains to a reviewer group

To connect any file or reviewer group to your Jira task, follow these steps:

Open the tasks you would like to work with in Jira.

  1. Click on the Apps button right under the task title, then click on Filestage.

  2. As soon as this is correctly loaded, a new field called Filestage will appear right below the task description. Click on the button Connect with Filestage.

  3. After establishing this connection, a menu will appear, allowing you to enter the review link, either of a single file or of a reviewer group, depending on your preference.

How to add the review of a single file to a Jira task:

  1. Log into Filestage.

  2. Extract the review link of the file you would like to add to your Jira task:

  3. Paste the review link into the field in your Jira task and click on Add.

  4. You can now see the file added to your task. Visible items are file name, project name, reviewer group, version number, review status, review decisions of the reviewers and deadline.

How to add the review of all project files to a Jira task

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Jira will only depict the files that either are actively in review or have already undergone a review. Files that are not yet reviewed will not be added to the Jira task.
  1. Log into Filestage.

  2. Extract the review link of the project (/reviewer group) you would like to add to your Jira task:

  3. Paste the review link into the field in your Jira task and click on Add.

  4. You can now see all the files added to your task. Visible items for each file are name, project name, reviewer group, version number, review status, review decisions of the reviewers and deadline.

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You can determine which files are added to a Jira task by picking the review link of a specific reviewer group.

What's next? After syncing your Filestage project with your Google Drive, learn how you can connect Filestage to your Slack account!

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to start a chat or email us at support@filestage.io. We’re always happy to help.

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