Connect Filestage with Slack to get updates about comments, review decisions, and more.
If you need further help integrating Filestage with Slack, get in touch with our integration consultants using our support chat or via
Here's how you can integrate Slack with your projects:
Click the Apps button
Open your Filestage project and click the Appsbutton in the top right corner.
Choose Slack from the apps menu
A menu will appear with all our available apps. Clickon the Slack app to set up the integration.
Connect your Slack workspace
Select Connect on the Slack page
Give Filestage permission to access your Slack workspace by selecting Allow
Connect your Filestage project to a Slack channel
Navigate to the project you want to connect to a Slack channel and click the Slack icon on the top right-hand corner
Use the dropdown menus to select which Slack channel you want to connect. Then click Finish.
Use the Customize notifications dropdown to decide which notifications you would like to appear in your desired Slack channel.
As soon as Slack is successfully connected, the logo will appear in the top right-hand corner of your dashboard.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach us through chat or email at