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Recover deleted files

Article overview:

  1. Accidentally deleted a project

  2. Accidentally deleted a file

Accidentally deleted a project:

Deleting a project irretrievably deletes all files, versions, comments, and shares. For security reasons, a once deleted a project is completely removed from our system. It is not possible to recover deleted projects.

If you need comments from a particular file in the project, we suggest retrieving those from your received email notifications. 

Accidentally deleted a file:

Deleting a file irretrievably deletes all versions, comments, and shares. For security reasons, a once deleted file is completely removed from our system. It is not possible to recover deleted files.

If you need comments from that file, we suggest retrieving those from your received email notifications. 

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to start a chat or email us at support@filestage.io. We’re always happy to help.

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