The review status of a file helps you keep track of feedback from reviewers so that you can stay on schedule. In this article, we'll show you how to use the review status feature and what each status means.
Review status
On the project overview, you will see the reviewer summary on each file in a reviewer group.

By clicking on the dots which represent the reviewer summary, you will be able to see if the file still needs to be reviewed, has been approved, or if it needs changes.
The reviewer summary has three different colors correlated to those meanings:

🟢Green means that a reviewer was happy with the file and approved it
🟠Orange means the file has some change requests from the reviewer
⚪Grey means that the reviewer hasn’t clicked the Finish Review button just yet
What makes this nifty is that each dot is associated with the reviewer's name, so you know where everyone stands.
Timestamped Reviews
There is also a timestamp, which allows you to see when your reviewer has approve the file or requested a change.

💡 What's next? If you understand how the review status works, see How to request a review decision.
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